At The Complete Smile Twickenham we believe that straightening your teeth should work with your lifestyle and have as little impact socially as possible!
Invisalign clear brace treatment consists of a series of nearly invisible, removable aligners that are changed every 1-2 weeks. Each aligner is individually manufactured for your teeth. As you replace each aligner, your teeth will move – little by little, week by week – until they have straightened to the final position.
Because the aligners are virtually invisible, you do not have to worry about how they look on your teeth. You can even remove them when you are drinking or eating, or whenever you want to clean them. Made of high quality materials, the aligners work efficiently to achieve the outcome you are after.
An impression will be taken of your teeth to generate a virtual 3D treatment plan illustrating the series of movements your teeth will go through over the course of the treatment (This is called a Clincheck). This allows you to see what your teeth are expected to look like at the conclusion of treatment and also give you time scales to how long the treatment will take.
From the results of the clinical check treatment plan, your custom-made, clear aligners will be produced and fitted.
Arrange a FREE initial consultation; our expert team will see if you are a good candidate for Invisalign treatment.